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Organizational Design for Business Excellence & Growth

As organisations grow the one thread which keeps it together is the central Organisational design and the structure defined around it. Based on the core design all the functions, verticals, positions are tagged. The entire organisational structure would follow the basic design in which the organisation has been defined.

The organisation design can define few levels in the organisation and can be ensured to create the value to the organisation as it moves higher. Every organisation must have the doers, managers and the directors or/and visionaries..

I - The bottom most level* could be : Team Member Level : Focus on the execution of the task as assigned and report back to immediate level. At this level Identify the Skill required based on the business, function, verticals etc., The Critical skills required (Not exhaustive and may differ to situations) : Data Management, Communication, Interpersonal skills, Team Skills, Presentation Skills, Functional Skills, Innovation, Creativity, Report Generation, MS Office, Internal Customer Orientation etc.,

II- The Next Level : Supervisory/Managerial Level : Who understand the tasks and assign to the Team Member Level and monitor the completion and report progress. In this case the (This may be two levels in many organisations - may be required as organisations grow). At this level the skills required would differ and demand for higher order of skills along with the previous skills. A brief List for information and understanding : Team Building, Negotiation, People Management, Counseling, Mentoring, Business Orientation, Presentation Skills, Training , Appraising, Interviewing etc.,

III- The Top Level Management : Who are responsible for multiple business units and also for the overall organisation. This level may involve working towards Vision, Mission (clarity) and involve in the strategy for the business and creating future. This level demands a very high level of decision making which would impact the organisation. This level requires a high level of Futuristic ability to perform at this Stage. The additional Skills helps in performing better may include (not exhaustive) : Strategic Management,Business Negotiation, Networking, Strategic Thinking, Leadership, Counseling, Mentoring Skills, Leadership, Visionary, Technology Adaptation etc.,

Each level can have further grades for the purpose of movement of one stage to other in terms of performing the tasks perfectly and the last grade in the level may signify the next levels performance (that may show the readiness for next Promotion and up gradation)

Based on the above clarity can write the Job Role & Responsibilities for smooth functioning of organisation. Further one can interlink these with the Objective Setting Exercise, we would discuss in the next posts....

* Organisations uses different nomenclature for each of the description hereon.. Understand the meaning and apply in understanding the concept.
* Each of the skills are expected to be performed at a degree commensurate with levels.


  1. Very Clear and Simple way ...very well interlinked the role and required skill and also shares what skills one need or need to look to move to the next level .

  2. In a progressive organization SME, everybody strives to move up and he/she sees a clear chance of growing even faster than the actual growth.Over a period of time say 2-3 years when an employee assumes comfort in his/her position then the real quest starts.. for moving up on the ladder of designation, and running downhill in respect of quantified deliverables. Once the tag of Sr. Manager comes on the shirt, one switches the mode and mind to drive the business through circulars and orders rather than driving a team, as they think that they have outgrown for such shoes ! Rather than team reporting they look forward to Team leader reporting..probably missing out on the minute team details , which finally shows up in the yearly i hope this may be the point to tighten the noose for such Aspiring people, in the organisational design with clear cut progress path for an individual so that the shoes never get old ! An F5 (Refresh button ) on a regular basis is probably required for organizational design to carry away the confusion and keep the ball rolling......Its Just a blog..criticism is looked forward for betterment !! MHT

  3. Very valid inputs and thank you for additing that bit of caution and how not to defocus to be on track all the time... Reviewing and revisiting to map to the ever changing business definitely helps.. Thanks for inputs as always its a learning process of me...


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