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Showing posts from March, 2012

Year Plan and Performance Goal Setting for 2012-13 @ SME Organisations

What are you Planning this year 2012-13 : How can you build Plan @ SME April is generally the Start of Business Year (Financial Year Start) for Indian Firms. Our Financial year starts on April 1st and ends at 31st March. This month is very significant for all the HR folks because the following activities are expected to be done/co-ordinate for a better future. Organisatioinal Objective Setting : HR to involve in building the organisational objectives for the year based on the mission and vision of the organisation. HR interacts and builds the clarity along with the CEO and the Heads of various Units/Function/Verticals... *Look for format at the end of this post. Review of Performance: Its time for review of performance of the previous year interms of organisation as well as the Individual employees. This task needs the review of current performance system, expectations from the last year, setting the course of action for review from april last year to current year march... The gre...