Watch out for CEO Program @ Hyderabad... 6th September 2010 from Husys powered by Nina E Woodard & Associates,USA ( ) Statutory Compliances : Must for every Progressive Employer It is important that we comply with laws of land to make sure that the organisation plays a good citizenship role and governance with compliance's. I am aware that this is a huge subject... however, I would try to cover briefly in this segment for details refer to the respective laws for changes/modifications from time to time... Usually if not taken care at the start or beginning of the organisational growth it may become a very unproductive effort and impacting your business growth. The applicable basic statutory compliance includes : Provident Fund, Employer State Insurance Corporation(ESIC), Professional Tax (PT - as per state), Income Tax, Gratuity. There are many other specific Acts applicable based on the Industry. Employers have to comply with the Statutory requirement...
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